Heritage at The Town Hall

Working with the Architectural Heritage Fund

Help shape the future of the Old Building

Hebden Bridge Community Association has received a grant from the Architectural Heritage Fund to develop plans for the future use of the Grade II listed Victorian part of the Town Hall known as the ‘Old Building’. 

We’re involving local people and visitors in the development of the project asking them what they think about the Town Hall today; about our plans for the future and what changes and activities they would like to see on site.  What you tell us will help us to create a proposal for expanding the use of the Old Building. The Town Hall is made up of two buildings; the Old Building opened in 1897 and the new part in 2012. The Old Building is now in need of repairs along with improved access and facilities and a better link with the new building.

Please let us know your thoughts and ideas by completing our short survey.

It only takes a few minutes to have your say!



What Calderdale do we want to age in? Share your ideas at The Town Hall


“No man could stop us”: a night celebrating women’s football - The Waterfront Hall