Calderdale Placemaking and Design - The Waterfront Hall

Tuesday 16th May 2023
11am - 5pm

Drop in event run by JTP architects to help shape a new placemaking and design guide for Calderdale. Come along and share your thoughts on living, working and playing in the area.

You are invited to a series of events to help shape the new Placemaking and Design Guide for Calderdale, with events in Hebden Bridge, Halifax, Brighouse and Elland.

Calderdale Council has appointed JTP, architects and community planners, to engage with the local community and stakeholders and draw up a Placemaking and Design Guide. A series of public events and an online comments platform have been organised to invite local people to help shape the emerging Guide.

The Placemaking and Design Guide will set out what well-designed streets, neighbourhoods, places, and buildings should look like and how new development should respond to and reinforce the distinct character of Calderdale. The Guide will also include advice on how to prepare and submit planning applications.

Once finalised, the Guide will be adopted by the Council as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to ensure that all developments in Calderdale deliver a consistent and high-quality standard of design. This will create a legacy for the future and meet the Council’s priorities to reduce inequalities, create thriving towns and places, and tackle the climate emergency.

You can drop into exhibition and workshop events to share your thoughts about the places you live, work and play in and help plan what well-designed streets, neighborhoods, places, and buildings should look like. The exhibition and workshop events are open to everyone. Drop in for as long as you can:

Hebden Bridge
11am - 5pm,
The Town Hall

11am Drop-in exhibition opens
1pm Introduction and dialogue workshop
2pm Town walkabout
3pm Hands-on planning groups
4pm Report back
4.30pm Workshop closes, exhibition continues
5pm Drop-in exhibition closes


June Events at the Town Hall


May Exhibition - Mill Town Artists: New Work