Hebden Bridge Arts: Protest Lab - The Terrace Room

Saturday 22nd April
10:30am - 1:30pm
Free to attend, creative and environmental drop-in workshop with artist Michael Powell and environmental campaigner Zephie Begolo

Join Hebden Bridge Arts at their final Open Space 70 inspirer workshop, with artist Michael Powell and environmental campaigner Zephie Begolo

You are invited to this protest placard-making session to explore your thoughts, feelings, and actions about climate change.
What needs to change in Calderdale? What do you value the most? What are your concerns? What is your creative response?

All materials provided just bring yourselves along! 

The work made in this workshop will be displayed in an exhibition on 15th-16th July as part of our Arts Trail, after which it is yours to keep. More info at www.hebdenbridgearts.co.uk


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