Hebden Bridge Community Association AGM - The Waterfront Hall

Saturday 11th March

The meeting will take place on Saturday 11th March from 11:00am, with tea, coffee, and cake available from 10:30am. All members of Hebden Bridge Community Association are welcome to attend.

Apologies for absence
Draft minutes of the 2022 AGM (1)
Matters Arising from these meetings, not covered in the Agenda.
Chair’s Annual Report to members 
Annual accounts and Auditor’s financial report (2)
Ordinary resolutions from trustees and members (3)
Questions and answers, discussion
New trustees (4)
Any Other Ordinary Business

  1. Copies of the draft minutes of the 2022 AGM are available on our website: https://hebdenbridgetownhall.org.uk/library

  2. Copies of the FINAL Statement of Financial Activities & Balance Sheet are available on our website (NOTE: Auditor’s signature awaited):  https://hebdenbridgetownhall.org.uk/library

  3. If you want anything discussed formally you may put forward a Member’s motion (motions need to come from four or more members). Please put forward any motions in writing for the attention of the Executive Director, HBCA at the Town Hall at least 48 hrs before the start of the meeting.

  4. No new Trustees are being proposed for election, but one existing Trustee is retiring and not re-standing. Full details are available on our website: https://hebdenbridgetownhall.org.uk/library

Recruitment is commencing shortly for new Trustees

A signing-in sheet will be available at the meeting. If you can't come to the meeting you have the right to appoint a proxy in accordance with the Association’s Articles of Association. Please contact Graham Mynott to request a proxy form. The form must be submitted for the attention of the Executive Director, HBCA at the Town Hall at least 48hrs before the start of the meeting.

To find out more about becoming a member of Hebden Bridge Community Association, please visit our membership page.


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